Your support can provide healing medical care and eliminate the familial and societal burden of disability.

A central goal of the Neurosurgery & Neurology Institute is to create “pathways to care” for patients with limited resources. We make safe and timely surgery accessible through a cooperative network of allied surgeons and hospitals in South America who provide low-income patients with discounted clinical and surgical services. These discounts are furthered by material, technical, and financial resources from North America. With these contributions from NNI allies around the globe, neglected surgical patients find healing that they would otherwise be denied.


Even at our reduced rates, complex sugical care can still pose a devastating financial burden.

Far too many families are stuck in a a cycle of poverty due to treatable conditions.


Angelo, 31

Before his back pain became debilitating, Angelo worked two jobs to support his wife and two young children. He needed surgery but how could they afford the cost when his symptoms kept him from working? He began to feel hopeless when doctors advised him that without timely treatment his condition could worsen and make a future surgery less successful. Through the NNI, Angelo's treatment costs were reduced and he received financial aid to allow for timely care that would not further impoverish his family. He is now on the path to recovery!


On average, patients need just $700-$1200 in cash support to move forward with their treatment. Will you consider a gift in this range to treat one or more patients? Your gift—at any amount—offers healing that puts people back to work, children back in school, and strengthens entire communities.